Not sure where to start? Looking for more information? Schedule an individual or family consultation with Nadine Grzeskowiak, Gluten Free RN today to learn in-depth about your overall health, food allergies, diet, lab results, the huge benefits of a gluten free lifestyle and more. This consultation is all about you. We will discuss your medical history, review lab reports, review current dietary choices and address your concerns and questions. We also provide recommendations for testing and follow-up, correcting dietary deficiencies, talking to family members and friends and much more.
Consultation Fees
Individual consultations at Gluten Free RN office, over the phone or Skype is $200/hour
(Spouse and support people are welcome to attend)
Family Consultation is available at the Gluten Free RN office, your home, or a mutually agreed upon meeting space. $500 for a 2-hour presentation, consultation and Q&A session. Additional time will be billed at $250/hour.
Special arrangements can be discussed if travel is involved for consulting. All travel expenses will be covered, plus the consulting fees. Please contact Gluten Free RN directly to discuss arrangement.

We're here to help!
The Gluten Free RN has helped countless individuals by improving their health with diet and educating about the importance of a gluten free lifestyle for those with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
“I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2010. The only direction I was given was to eat gluten free. I didn’t even know about cross contamination, let alone the dangers of it.
About 6 or 7 years into my diagnoses I came across The Gluten Free RN podcast. Each episode literally changed my life! For the very first time I was learning important information about my disease. Information I should have been told at time of my diagnosis. I listened to every one of her podcasts, some of them twice. I felt like a sponge. I had seen countless doctors many times over, and quickly realized she understands celiac MUCH more than all my doctors combined.
So I called for a consultation. As soon as I heard her voice, I cried with relief because I finally had someone that could actually help me. My consultation with her was very helpful. I finally have someone that actually listens and understands me plus is able to give me direction to best take care of myself going forward.
When The Gluten Free RN learned she had celiac she began doing all she could to learn about the disease that almost took her life. She never stops researching, she has studied celiac frontwards and backwards. Because of The Gluten Free RN I now have a HUGE passion to do what I can to educate myself so I can speak to others with confidence, plus do anything I am able to raise celiac disease awareness.”